DÄMON. Bergman’s Funeral – by Angelica Liddell


Angélica Liddell invokes the Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman, who wrote the script for his funeral as if it were his last masterpiece, and takes him at his word. Surrounded by actresses and actors from the Dramaten – the Swedish National Theatre – and her usual accomplices from her company, the great Spanish performer invites us to contemplate our buried fantasies and unspoken terrors, until we have to face the final demon: not Death, but Vanity.

Angélica Liddell’s shows shed light on ‘what one does not dare to talk about at dinner parties’: this fiery discourse that finds refuge on stage and which she calls ‘the pornography of the soul’.


With David Abad, Ahimsa, Beatriz Álvarez, Yuri Ananiev, Nicolas Chevallier, Guillaume Costanza, Elin Klinga, Angélica Liddell, Borja López, Sindo Puche, Daniel Richard and the participation of extras
Text, direction, set design and costumes Angélica Liddell
Lighting Mark Van Denesse
Sound Antonio Navarro
Assistant director Borja López
Stage Manager Nicolas Guy Michel Chevallier
Technical director André Pato
Production Gumersindo Puche

Production Atra Bilis – Iaquinandi SL
Coproduction Prospero Extended cofunded project by the European creative program of European Union Theatre (Europe), Festival d’Avignon, Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe (Paris), Teatros del Canal (Madrid), Théâtre de Liège, The Royal Dramatic Theatre Dramaten (Stockholm), Grec Festival de Barcelona
With the support of Fondation Ammodo, INAEM – Ministerio de Cultura, Onda – Office national de diffusion artistique for the 78th edition of the Festival d’Avignon
Residence Festival d’Avignon
Aknowledgments The Ingmar Bergman Foundation



Born in Figueres, Girona, in 1966, Angélica Liddell is writer, theatral director, actress and one of the most unclassifiable Spanish creators and with the greatest international projection. She formed the company Atra Bilis Teatro in 1993. Her works have been presented all around the world. Among her latest works, El año de Ricardo,Todo el cielo sobre la tierra (El síndrome de Wendy), El ciclo de las resurrecciones and, recently, Qué haré yo con esta espada, have been premiered at such prestigious places as the Festival d’Avignon, Wiener Festwochen, la Schaubühne de Berlin, and the Théâtre de l’Odeón in Paris. Among other acknowledgements, she received the National Award for Drama Literature from the Ministry of Culture in Spain in 2012 and in 2013, she was awarded the Silver Lion at the Biennale Teatro in Venice. She has recently received the Leteo 2016 award for literature. In 2017, she was named a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters by he Ministry of Culture and Communication of the French Republic.


Angelica Liddell - credits photo Alberto Garcia AlixPhoto by Alberto Garcia Alix.