Note of intention

In our contemporary context of repeated crises, which confronts Europe with the need to convince its citizens, the partners of the project intend to show that art and culture are a powerful force capable of stimulating creativity, exchange and cohesion. They believe that theatre, in particular, remains an essential place for dialogue, capable of creating real, direct, human encounters and of increasing our critical sense. Through their work, they wish to participate in the artistic and cultural development of Europe.

Thanks to the support of the Creative Europe program, the partners – strengthened by their visibility at the European level – are able to pursue their research on the issues of theatre, media and creation, with a particular focus on their evolution and modernization.

The project’s objectives

Prospero – Extended Theatre gathers ten partners (nine theatres and one media outlet, ARTE) from nine countries of the Union. In this project (running from 2020 to 2025) the partners, their respective teams and audience, as well as the involved artists, collaborate to redesign the production and distribution processes of plays, notably via the project’s streaming platform

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NEWS – Celebrating the mid-point of our project

On the 1st of December 2022, we reached the mid-point of our EU-funded project Prospero Extended Theatre.

This was an opportunity for us, project partners, to take stock of what we have done so far, and what remains ahead of us. And it turns out that we achieved, in these two first years, quite a lot…

Here, an overview:

  •  We selected the nine creations to be supported by the project, among which six were already created:

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